55 Quotes from The Power of Intention I Dr. Wayne Dyer

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Book – The Power of Intention (Quotes)

Author – Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

Genre – Self-help

Published in – 2004

Amid all the uncertainties we are living in right now, it is enlightening to know we can choose to feel good. Change how you look at things, and the things you look at change. The book discusses how to set an intention, the hurdles people face, and how to overcome them.

The book is full of enlightening, inspiring Quotes and lines. Here is a list of 55 awesome quotes from the book.

1. “Having lost hope of ever returning to the source of everything, the average man seeks solace in his selfishness.”

2. “The spirit reveals itself to everyone with the same intensity and consistency, but only warriors are consistently attuned to such revelations” – Don Juan Matus

3. “If we focus on what’s ugly, we attract more ugliness into our thoughts, and then into our emotions, and ultimately into our lives.”

4. “Mother Teresa was once asked, “What do you do daily in the streets of Calcutta at your mission?” She responded, “Every day, I see Jesus Christ in all his distressing disguises.”

5. “The way to establish a relationship with spirit and access the power of this principle (setting intention) is to continuously contemplate yourself as being surrounded by the conditions you wish to produce.”

6. “To float an Idea into your reality, you must be willing to somersault the inconceivable and land on your feet, contemplating what you want instead of what you don’t have”

7. “As you contemplate connecting to intention, know in your heart that any attitude you have that reflects a scarcity consciousness will hold you back.”

8. “We become what we think about, ” Emerson reminded us: “The ancestor to every action is a thought.”

9. “Meditation is the only way you can grow. There is no other way out. Because when you meditate, you are in silence. You are in thoughtless awareness. Then the growth of awareness takes place.”

10. “You must learn to assume responsibility for the circumstances of your life without any accompanying guilt.”

11. “Why don’t I see goodness and beauty everywhere? “Because you cannot see outside of you what you fail to see inside.”

12. “It is only discord acting within your feelings that will ever deprive you of every good thing that life holds for you.”

13. “If you’re angry at those around you for being angry people, you’re attempting to remedy the situation through condemnation.”

14. “Self-importance is man’s greatest enemy”

15. “That which offends you only weakens you.”

I have also created a video of a few quotes from the book – I hope you like it. Please subscribe to my YouTube channel – Myread4change VIDEO – 1

16. “Letting off your need to be right in your discussions and relationships is like saying to ego, I’m not a slave to you. I want to embrace kindness, and I reject your need to be right. I will offer this person a chance to feel better by saying She’s right and thank her for pointing me in the direction of truth.”

17. “True nobility isn’t about being better than someone else. It’s about being better than you used to be.”

18. “Your reputation is not located in you. It resides in the minds of others. Therefore, you have no control over it at all. If you speak to 30 people, you will have 30 reputations.”

19. “Notice how much of your inner speech focuses on what’s missing, the negative circumstances, the past, and the opinions of others.”

20. “It is one of the most beautiful compensations of this life that no man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself… Serve, and thou shall be served” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

21. “How you view others is a projection of how you view yourself.”

22. “Remember at all times that what you think and do affects other people.”

23. “Practice wanting for others what you want for yourself by being Christ-like rather than a Christian, Mohammed-like rather than a Muslim, and Buddha-like rather than a Buddhist.”

24. “Be compassionate toward everyone you meet, all humanity, the entire kingdom of animal life, and our planet and cosmos. In return, the universal source of all life will bestow compassion upon you, helping you manifest your intention. It’s the law of attraction.”

25. “Eternity is not hereafter… this is it. If you don’t get it here, you won’t get it anywhere” – Joseph Campbell

26. “We’re all in bodies on their way to dying, but we behave as if they’re not, and this is our greatest downfall.”

27. “Perhaps the surest way to happiness and fulfillment in life is to thank and praise your source for everything that happens to you.”

28. “Your purpose will only be found in service to others and being connected to something far greater than your body/mind/ego.”

29. “The mark of an immature man is that he wants to die nobly for a cause, while the mark of the mature man is that he wants to live humbly for one.”

30. “The best thing to give your enemy is forgiveness; to an opponent, tolerance; to a friend, your heart; to your child, a good example; to your father, deference; to your mother, conduct that will make her proud of you; to your self, respect; to all men, charity” – Swami Sivananda


31. “A man cannot be comfortable without his approval” – Mark Twain

32. “You’re a piece of that universal mind of Creation, and you must see God inside of you and view yourself as a divine creation to access the power of intention in your life.”

33. ” You have the choice to either be a host to God or hostage to your ego.”

34. “Whatever attitude you have about the world, in general, is a good indicator of the respect you have for your abilities to intend into this world what you desire.”

35. “You attract into your life what you feel inside. If you feel that you’re not worthy of being respected, you attract disrespect.”

36. ” Perhaps the greatest mistake we make, which causes a loss of self-respect, is making the opinions of others more important than our own opinion of ourselves.”

37. “When you judge others, you do not define them; you define yourself as someone who needs to judge. The same applies to judgments directed at you.

38. “Seize every opportunity, no matter how small, to your life away in service.”

39. “Searching for our purpose is like searching for your happiness. There’s no way to happiness; happiness is the way. And so it is with living your life on purpose. It’s not something you find; it’s how you live your life serving others and bringing purpose to everything you do.”

40. “No one can upset you without your consent, and you’ve given your consent too frequently.”

41. “I am what I choose to be in all circumstances, and I choose to be authentically peaceful and have a good time.”

42. “Rather than praying to a saint or God for a miracle, pray for the miracle of the inner awakening, which will never leave you.”

43. “When anyone criticizes, judges, acts angry, expresses hatred, or finds fault with you, they’re not at peace with themselves.”

44. “When you realize nothing is lacking, the whole world belongs to you” – Lao Tzu

45. “God can provide you with every blessing in abundance. Tune in to God’s frequency, and you will know it immediately.”

46. “You don’t need a reason to be happy. Your desire to be so is sufficient.”

47. “You feel good not because the world is right, but your world is right because you feel good.”

48. ” I slept and dreamt that life was joy, I awoke and saw that life was services, I acted and behold service was joy” – Rabindranath Tagore

49. “You can’t have the desire to attract a mate who is confident, generous, nonjudgmental, and gentle, and expect that desire to be manifested if you’re thinking and acting in a non-confident, selfish, judgmental, or arrogant way – which is why most people don’t attract the right people at the right time.”

50. “Infinite patience produces immediate results. The immediate result of infinite patience is the inner peace that comes from knowing that I have a “senior partner” who will either send me someone or leave me alone to work it out myself.”


51. “If you want to be loved unconditionally, practice loving unconditionally. If you want assistance from others, extend assistance whenever and wherever you can. If you’d like to be the recipient of generosity, then be as generous as you can, as frequently as possible.”

52. “The wake of your life is like the wake of a boat. It’s nothing more than the trail that’s left behind. The wake doesn’t drive the boat. The wake is not driving your life. Everything and everyone in your personal history had to be there when they were. And what’s the evidence for this? They were there!”

53. “Genius means little more than the faculty of perceiving in an unhabitual way” – William James

54. “Until one acknowledges the genius within oneself, one will have great difficulty recognizing it in others.”

55. “Change how you look at things, and things you look at will change.”

I hope these quotes/lines helped you or inspired you to broaden your perspective, set the right intentions, and trust in yourself. Feel free to share this post with anyone you know will benefit.

I have also written a review of The Power of Intention. You may want to check it.

Please share your favorite quote from above or any other quote you love most and draw inspiration from it in the comment. I would love to hear from you.

Stay Blessed.


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